Pearlie ☆☆☆
Pearlie's thoughts on herself...
- the ‘opposite’ of San (ahaha, we really are quite different xD)
- has the horrible habit of ‘thinking too much all the time’ thus getting stressed out AT LEAST once a day (even during holidays, scary isn’t it?)
- loves Korean stuff (music, food, and wants to learn the language and maybe even live there for a while?!)
- not tall enough (especially when she stands next to San ><”)
- kills myself over school matters T-T and what I like to say all the time “I’m gonna fail….”
- really wants to see TVXQ in person at least once before I die (LOL!) preferably at their concert or something
- doesn’t like her own personality too much (shy/anti-social, pessimistic but laughs all the time = I’m crazy o_O)
- truly believes that she’ll go insane if she ever loses in contact with her six closest friends from forever ago
- (last but not least) deeply treasures her best friend San (heart)
San's thoughts on Pearlie...
- thinks Pearlie worries too much about the future to enjoy the present
- really wishes to never hear Pearlie say "I'm gonna screw up" right before doing something ever again
- does not understand how Pearlie can possibly be too lazy to click one button and go from appearing offline to appearing online. ONE BUTTON.
- is jealous of how pale Pearlie is
- thinks Pearlie's interest in TVXQ is turning into an obsession...Pearlie + fangirl mode = REALLY SCARY.
- admires Pearlie's pretty writing, and gets annoyed when she says it looks ugly because IT DOES NOT.
- thinks Pearlie is skinny even though she thinks she has blubber (where huh? show me, I dare you)
- has always been jealous of Pearlie's long silky hair (yeah that's the real reason why I convinced you to cut it HEHEHE)
- gets tired of her laziness at times (like how long it takes her to finish her MISSIONS)
- likes how Pearlie really gets things done when she's focuse
- hopes Pearlie will one day stop making lame excuses for "certain things" (WHERE is our Pucca diary, huh?)
- is sad that Pearlie only finished her entire meal ONCE out of all the times of going out to eat together (sad...haiiii)
- thinks Pearlie has beautiful eyes and never told her so until now (Ew, that seems like I have a crush on you -_-")
San's thoughts on herself...
San's thoughts on herself...
- has a horrible habit of biting her lips, which replaced her old habit of biting naills
- realizes her shy expression makes her look like an angry antisocial person in front of strangers (I'm sorry?)
- has super thick black hair which she hates
- has a very abnormal looking nose
- is very out of proportion, with super skinny arms and not so skinny everything else
- doesn't know what to do with her life sometimes
- has horrible obsession with new cell phones and shoes
- loves loves loves cats
- always has to be right even when she's wrong
- really wants to move out and get married soon
- still wants to move in with Pearlie somewhere outside Canada
- secretly wants more tattoos and ear piercings but knows better because she is OLD.
- gets hungry every 2 hours, no matter how much she ate before
- hates the sound of her own voice
- likes to hug Pearlie for no reason to annoy her
Pearlie's thoughts on San...
- really jealous of how tall and skinny she is (I think she's the model-type, can you imagine that?)
- she likes shopping a little bit too much (but I'm there to stop her sometimes :P)
- she has an enormous collection of shoes (which we've counted together)
she's impatient when it comes to certain things such as waiting in line
for stuff (so unless it's something she really really wants, she might
have started complaining already LOL)
- she enjoys writing stories and poems (which I'm totally NOT good at and do not like)
- she always has a long list of stuff that she wants me to do but I take forever and I'm still not done with them
- she may be a bit too reliant sometimes depending on what
- hmmm...maybe we're not totally opposites after all cause we're similar in many ways :D