I was bored the other day and I took pictures in the pretty floral tights, which unfortunately, I still haven't worn (gawwwd I hate schooooooool...it's sucking the life out of me!!!!). And guess what, the boots I'm wearing in the pictures are unworn as well...I bought them months ago T-T. And the worst part is, I've been buying other shoes after that (and currently eyeing some sandals too), and I've only worn 1 out of the 2-3 new pairs I've bought in the past month and a half. I'm horrible, I know.
That furry lump on my shoulder is my cat Akiko, who refused to let go of me -_-"
And here's me, and a million other me's. I wish I had double mirrors in my room, but there's no space for them =(
A close up with Akiko =)
That's all for today. Pretty boring post, eh? Well, I blame Pearlieeeeeeee...she was suppose to show off her "collection" (er, I better not say anything else about it lol). Oh maaaan, back to studying now...
By the way is it me's or mes? Damnit, that's bothering me. The apostrophe seems out of place, but it looks stupid without it. Well, I guess it doesn't matter since the majority of bloggers out there use titles that make no sense whatsoever. Maybe I too should start using song titles that have nothing to do with the content of my posts.
Haha hey thanks for finding me.
Nice blog.
I don't think me's is even a grammar term haha!
P.S. I noticed you've heard of Lipgloss & Black? Are you from Brampton?
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