BLEH. I hate January. I sat in class today 15 minutes before it started and thought, "CLASS STINKS SO BADLY I WANNA CRY." Yeah and that's before it even started. ARGGH. It just feels so pooey to have to go to school. And it's starting to snow again now that school is starting. WHY T-T? Anyway, I must apologize for not posting. I had all my pictures on my camera (including the ones Pearlie and I took for the new banner I'm suppose to have made by now), but whenever I sit down in front of my laptop or desktop, my camera is always somewhere far from me. And I'm too damn lazy to get off my arse and get it XD. Soooooo...I still have a ton of pictures to transfer and blog about...including my date with Pearlie~! We finally went shopping and I bought something I've eyed for the longest time, but I shall leave it at that (ooooh, the suspense). Err, haven't had a chance to exchange SS gifts (WAHHHHH) but hopefully that'll happen next week =). I apparently have another late Christmas gift I should be expecting any time this week, so I'm sure when I get it, I'll be snapping pictures like a mad woman again. Hmm...ah yes, went to pick up 2 Hot Toys Iron Man figures from the second movie (of course, neither of them are not mine hahaha) so I shall try to nag D to take some shots of those. OHMIGAWD the aDDiction blog is so dead. Might move it to Wordpress or even Blogger, since we've been getting spam and stuff on FC2.
So that pretty much sums up anything that WILL be happening on the blog soon. I know everyone makes those New Year resolutions or "reflecting on 2010" posts, but I decided not to. Why? Because:
1) I never do what I say I'll do. NEEEEVER. So NY resolutions are quite pointless. I just keep doin' what I do.
2) I don't remember anything in 2010 prior to my birthday worth mentioning if I make a reflection post.
Most importantly...the time it takes to write either of those posts would be precious drama-watching time! LOL
Okay, clearly this is gettng too long, I must get back to my shows. BUB-BYEEEEEEE.
Oh one more thing, HAPPY 2011 EVERYONE. Hope you're enjoying it more than I am at the mo. XD